It might not be EXACTLY right
since it was kinda fast and there both talking at the same time and they sound almost exactly the same cept one little thing
different in their voices.
Benji N Joels remake of Cant
Get you Outta My Head
*Them talkin*
Joel: This is really more
like a tribute then a cover
Benji: Ya a tribute that's
Joel: I mean its like a love
Benji: A tribute to a goddess
only Kylie Minogue
Joel: Only the most beautiful
woman in the history of the world
Benji: Ive heard people say
they think we don't like her like were sarcastic, no we love Kylie minogue
Joel: this is 100 % serious
Benji: I don't think u even
know what a true fan is
Joel: take it serious
Joel: and this is I understand
its not as pretty as the way shed sing it
Joel: well I'm still gonna
give it a go
Benji: ya ok
Benji: go head Joel show them
Joel: robot speed
Joel: la la la la la la la
la la la la la la
Benji: that's pretty good
Joel: la la la la la la la
Benji: I like that
Joel: thanks
Benji: Im feelin it
Joel: la la la la la la la
la la
Benji: Feelin it
Joel: la la la la la la la
Benji: See my hips movin im
feelin it
Joel: la la la la la la la
la la la uh huh la la la la la la
Benji: Your old enough
Both: to be my mother
Benji: But I wanna do you
so does my brother
Joel: That's me
Benji: Me and my friends have
all your pictures from men's magazines dirty ones like maximum
Benji: I wanna make a suit
out of your skin and wear it and walk around karaoke to locomotion
Joel: sayin you and me Kylie
we aint
Both: nothin but mammals so
lets do it like they do on the discovery channel
Both: sayin you and me Kylie
we aint nothin but mammals so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel
Joel: sayin I cant get you
Both: my head I've been stalkin
you for 42 days
Joel: robot speed
Both: sayin I cant you outta
my head this restraining orders up in a day
Joel: sa sa sa sa sayin la
la la la la la
Both: la la la la la la la
la la la la la
Benji: that's good Joel
Joel: la la la la thanks
Benji: you know
Joel: la la la la
Benji: I really like the line
about making a suit out of her skin
Joel: la la la la la la la
la la la
Benji: and wearing it and
karaoking to locomotion
Joel: la la la la la la la
la la
Benji: I think that was really
creative and just brilliant
Joel: la la la la la la la
la la la la la
Benji: ya i think if there's
someway we could get this to kylie sorta like that eminem song Stan... I feel like Stan
Joel: la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la la la
Joel: you are
Joel: la la la la la la la
Joel: Youre an idiot
Benji: Im Kylies Stan
Joel: la la la la la la la
la la Your a jackass la la la la la la
Benji: anyways
Joel: la la la la you talk
to much la la la la la la
Benji: you know what... I
Joel: la la la la la la la
la la la
Benji: I think our work here
is done
Joel: la la la la la la
Joel: la la la la la la la
la la la
Benji: I think weve shown
you know
Joel: la la la robot speed
Joel: and were out Kylie we
love you, well see you at the Australian music awards... I'm sorry about my bother
Benji: check it out
Joel: that's / good charlotte
Benji: peace
Joel: that's it were out