Madlibs!!! Ahahaha =D
Stupidly Stupid Me
Invisible Emotions
About Me!! =p
Sites I Like =)
Music I Like =p duh
Jonny Was
Mandy Moore
Funny? (it is 2 me =p)

These are some quotes I like..... Have fun reading them =p

*When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you*When I first talked to you I was afraid to like you*When I first liked you I was afraid to love you*Now that I love you I m afraid to lose you*

If The Only Possible Way We Can Be Together Is In My Dreams...Then I'll Sleep Forever

*WhEn TiMeS ArE HaRd aLL I dO Is CLoSe My EyEs AnD ThInK oF YoU*

I wRoTe YoUr NaMe In ThE sAnD bUt ThE wAvEs WaShEd It AwAy, ThEn I wRoTe It In ThE sKy BuT tHe WiNd BlEw It AwAy, So I wRoTe It In My HeArT aNd ThAt'S wHeRe It WiLl sTaY

Love we can't have lasts the longest, hurts the deepest, and feels the strongest

I think it's werid when i love you,
I think it's werid when i care
I think it's werid when i want you,
when you dont even know i am there

I loved you once ...<3
you loved me not...<3
I loved you twice....<3
but I forgot......<3
you never loved me ..<3
you never will...<3
but even so...<3
I love you still.......<3

Should I smile, Cuz ur my friend, Or cry..Cuz that's all we'll ever be?

I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh,
But I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry

if you look back on the events of your year good or bad and you don't get tears in you eyes it was all just a waste of time

Everyone hears what you say, Friends listen to what you say, Best Friends listen to what you dont say

A friend is someone who sees the truth and pain in you, even when you're fooling everyone else.

written in a pen sealed wit a kiss if u r mah friend pleaz answer me dis..r u friendz or r we not u told me once but i 4got so tell me now and tell me true so i can say i'm here 4 u of all da friendz i eva met u r da one i wont 4get and if i die b4 u do i'll go 2 heaven and wait 4 u i'll give the angels bac their wings and risk the loss of everything.There isnt a thing i wouldnt do to have a friend just like u!

pr0miSed we`d be fRieNds tiL tha daY we die bUt it awL enDs wiTh a n e w f r i e n d or a GoOdByE

There actually is an "end" in friendship

There's a light at the end of every tunnel, just pray it's not a train

if you get scared half to death twice wouldn't you be dead

If you treat a girl like a dog, she's going to pee on you

Everyone gets a chance in the spotlight, you can have it when I'm done!

Did you fall down the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down?

My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems

My mother told me not to talk to strangers. I never talk to myself anymore

I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore I am perfect

Gone to my "happy place".  Be back soon

People like you are the reason people like me need medication

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

Birdie, birdie in the sky - Dropped a poopie in my eye - I didn't weep, I didn't cry - I just thank God cows don't fly!

7/5th of all people do not understand fractions

Even if the voices are not real, they have some good ideas

Don't worry about what people think of you, Cause it can't be worse then what you think of them

Today was tomorrow yesterday

Trying to be popular is not being true to yourself

Always be yourself because those who mind dont matter, and those who matter dont mind

It was, I remember thinking, the most difficult walk anyone ever had to make. In every way, a walk to remember~ awtr book

A MeMoRy LaStS 4eVeR NeVeR DoEs it DiE TrUe FrieNdS StAy toGeThEr AnD NeVer SaY GoOdByE

Have you ever wanted to die, or just broke down and cried? From being hurt deep inside....

~Good Charlotte Quotes~

C'mon, everyone put your hands in the air and sway them back and forth. Let's get a big hippie, we are the world thing going on!"~Benji

"I'm gonna... go... walk into... traffic." ~Benji

"Me fail English? That's unpossible!"~Benji

 "They used to call him Joely Moley."~Benji

"We like to go out to shopping malls and harass people."~Benji

"No, my name is Billina!!"~Billy

"Do you know how much stuff it takes to make my hair stay up?!?!"~Billy

"I like pretty shirts with stars on them."~Billy

"One day we can walk hand in hand down the road towards a rainbow all happy."~Billy

"That's some good shit... I MEAN STUFF!" (Nightmare Before Christmas hat)~Billy

"I'm not famous. You're all just crazy!"~Billy

"I'm scared of cops...!" ~Billy

"You can only start a boyband if you kill one of the ones already out there." ~Joel

"It's OK, nobody's as much of a psycho as I am."~Paul

"People just always ask me for a "Paul hug"... what the heck is that?"~Paul

"Benji is life...all the rest is just details... Life is Benji" - Benji

You know who else likes mking out? Sum 41. I know first-hand... Or my friend does..."-Benji

"Yes, I'm pimpin' this jacket, thank you very much" ~ Joel

Have we ever murdered a boy band? YES! There was a band called P-Town, and we shot them!" - Benji"

Hey Guys, I have some bad news for you, we were backing out of the parking lot...and I think we ran over lil Bow Wow. Sorry, our bad."~Benji

"watchout i might have rabies" -Paul

"Sorry for the inconvience, but there will be no ass signing today" -Billy

Joel: Just in. Benji is an asshole.

Joel: My name is Joel. This is Benji, my brother.
Benji: I hate you.

"Because I care, because I love you. Because it's a must. Because, BECAUSE YOU NEED CLEAN SOCKS!" ~Benji (to Joel)

"Mother says I need to try to look more respectable." ~Benji

"We were put together by the label. We had to try out in a gymnasium. No, I'm just kidding. That's how the Backstreet Boys got together!" ~Benji and Joel (About how GC was formed)

"I usually hit my head on the wall." ~Benji

"We vandalize things!" ~Joel

"I like to rip tags off mattresses." ~Benji

"We rented a car while we are here at the studio and I already put a huge scratch on the side." ~Benji

"I'm too lazy." ~Benji

"These are...nice socks.."(while looking at socks in wet seal) ~Joel

 "Hi were crazy town and we suck!" ~Benji

"Were all gonna run around naked and make animal noises!" ~Benji

"And then there was this, there was this one time that we ran around and knocked on everyones door then ran" ~Joel

"Keep representin' GC, 'cause you know we're representin' you!" - Benji

"I was in a boy band myself..." - Benji

"Billy drives like an old grandma." - Paul

Paul: "St. Paul is not gay!! He's very, very straight."
Aaron: "Ok, buddy, whatever you want to believe."
Paul: "You're really starting to hurt my feelings."

Little Kid: "Hey benji, will you sign my report card?"
Benji: (looks around, trys not to laugh) "Wow, that's really good!"

Benji: I go to take a drink of my uh, apple juice and uh as Im you knowdrinking it, I realize everyones laughing and its, its kind of warm.
Joel: And its not so satisfying.
Benji: I drank PISS!
Joel: Thats right! He drank urine! Pee-pee water! Fluid wastes! He drank it!
Benji: I am an idiot ladies and gentlemen!
"Joel your gloves suck!"~Benji
"It must be real tough to be a punk rocker in Wisconsin, you get chased by rednecks and stuff."~Benji
"That's surprising [that I smell good] seeing I haven't showered in...three weeks."~Benji
"People think that I'm a really outgoing person because of how I am on stage. But
I'm not. I'm really shy." ~Joel
"This one's for all you emo and skater kids, we know your sensitive" ( about motivation Procolomation ) -Joel
"I sell out every day, I say "Give me 5 bucks, and I'll give you a kiss."~Benji
"Yeah... we have cousins in Chicago... Mest"~Benji

"What's my official statement? My official statement is.... that I've been wearing the same underwear for four days."~Benji

"When we do fight it's not about things we think we'd fight about like, music. It's about like, I'll wear Joel socks and he'd be like, *Benji imitating Joel* Dudedude I told you not to wear my socks, dude You know I like my socks Benj!DudeOh are those my boxers too?Dude ohhh Ohh do you have to go thereDude Dude! Then we're like in the studio in this really important part of the song and I'll be like 'what do you think we should do?' I don't care are those my boxers? Dude!"~Benji

"Music is supposed to be an escape. It's supposed to be somewhere you can be yourself, or what whatever you want to be."~Joel

"I would never sign to a label called Death Row."~Joel

"We got the shit and piss kicked out of us... one day I got beaten so badly, I laid in a puddle of my own piss and blood and urine... which is the same thing I guess... I wanna apologize to Australia for the words I just used!" ~Joel

"I put on pretty good sock puppet shows and I can mime"~Joel

"I don't smile."~Joel

PZO: Did you ever watch Sesame Street and, if you did, who was your favorite character?
Benji: No, I didnt watch it. I watched Mr. Rogers though. That guy is creepy.

PZO: Whats your favorite place to eat in California?
Benji: Your moms house!! No, just kidding. Actually, outside on the sidewalk. I like to spread my food around and make people walk around me.......No, I like El Pollo Loco....and Rubios!

 PZO: Do you get along with the other band members?
Benji: Not at all. Theyre all assholes. As soon as I find some other guys to replace them with, theyre out. Nah, were all friends. We all get along. Joel and I are best friends.
PZO: How did you all meet?
Benji: Its a weird story actually. We were all going to your moms house. We all got there at the same time and met on the porch.
PZO: Oh really....
Benji: Yeah! No, we met in high school.
PZO: I like the other story better.
Benji: Me too
PZO: Can you dance?
Benji: I can freak.

 "Benjiness - I have my own adjective" ~Benji

 "You know what toy I wish I still had? Nintendo Techmo Super Bowl. I was the fat kid growning up, and when you're the fat kid, you love video games. And Twinkies."~Paul

"I used to take piano lessons when I was a kid. One time, I farted during a lesson, and my teacher never came back to my house."~Paul


"I met this girl once, she was an awesome boxer. She always came out of fights clean. Then I found out that she wasn't exactly a girl..."~Paul


"Barbies? No... I never played with Barbie dolls..." ~Paul


"Look, I know a crossdresser when I see one." (on Justin Timberlake)~Paul

"I don't really think there is such a thing as a band selling out."~Billy

"As far as favourite foods go, I'm a vegetarian. If I had to choose a favourite food, it would be peanut butter."~Billy

Billy: You ever think about saucepans?
Joel: Saucepans? Um... no.
Billy: Me neither.

"Benji likes to match his hair with his underwear and we caught him in a pink thong once. We videotaped it."~Billy

"I'm a goody goody. I never do bad things."~Billy

"I don't dislike too many things except for snakes! I don't have much of a tolerance for really fake people either. Another thing I hate is when St. Paul touches my... Never mind, I'm actually pretty content with everything."~Billy

More GCness
Benji: Look at this post I found. "Benji has good hair. Benji has cool pants. Benji is greatttt. Benji is..benjiful." Look, I have my own adjective!
Joel: Okay, and for the next video...
Benji: *still rambling* I'm going to relish in all my Benjiness...
Benji: *robot voice* Thank you my dear brother Joel.
 Billy: I just wanna break one of these off.(his spike)
Benji:**pretends break one off and stab billy with it**
Dusty: "yo, yo, wassup?"
Billy: "Are you on something?"
Dusty: "At least I dont look like Im high on crack!"
Billy: "IM NOT!!!"
Dusty: "Sure, you just look like a bag of bones coz you feel like it!"
"i think woo means yes.."- one of the twins after the crowd WOOOed

we wanna do our next album a little more like the Village People"- benji

"i was in the bathroom the other day and this girl popped out of a stall!"- joel...telling a story about this girl taking pictures of him in the bathroom
Benji: Joel fell of stage. He tripped.
Joel: ..this is the new vid--
Benji: It's his new most embarrassing moment..ever.
Joel: Shut up...no, you are my most embarrassing moment ever.
person: whoa! your standing right there!
joel: yeah! im a real person too i have skin and i sh!t too but shhh dont tell anyone
My sister is scared of Benji and he hugged her...that was quality entertainment there.-Anonymous
Benji(after reading a post): We sit on plastic boxes. And in order to make them look cool, they have lights in them. And they get pretty hot.
Joel: It's like a fire under your ass.
Joel: What if we told about each other?
Billy and Paul: Yeah! Yeah!
Joel: Ummm,who wants to do Billy?
Billy: Who wants to do me? I'd rather skip that one!
Lisa: What do you guys do to annoy eachother?
Benji: Well with Billy, Iıll always take a Crazytown cd and put it in h is
cd player. Then when he pushes play, he'll think itıs something cool like
the Deftones, but itıs Crazytown. Then heıs be all "AAH!" I know he turned
on his cd player when I hear an "aahh!!"
Lisa: Are you afraid of anything?
Benji: Me? Am I afraid of anything? Well probably tattoos and piercing.
You know, I just canıt stand either one, they freak me out.
(has a whole bunch of piercing and tattoos :) )
Nithya: Haha, sure looks like it
Benji: No Iım just kidding. Am I afraid of anything? Well 50 year old
fans, yeah they scare me.
Lisa: 50 year old fans?
Benji: Yeah uuhh no comment. Sometimes we get some fans that are a bit
old. We think aww how nice theyıre here with their kids and then you
realize they have no kids. And then theyıre like ³I donıt even like you²
Lisa: Have you had any stalkers?
Benji: Oh yeah, one was following me everywhere..like even my hotel room.
It was crazy.
Nithya: Any mishaps on stage?
Benji: What do you mean?
Lisa: Like injuries..
Benji: Oh yeah, all the time. One time there was a guy who was tryin to
pick a fight with Joel, so I pulled the guy on stage, grabbed him around his
neck and we were just fighting. The security guard got him and we kicked
him out the back door. That was pretty weird, like getting on stage in
front of everyone and fighting.
Billy: That was a good show, until he came. Like he only came during
Little Things, during the end. So that was a great show anyhow.

No, I didnt watch it (Sesame Street). I watched Mr. Rogers though. That guy is creepy.-Benji
when benji fell off his cube
"i didnt just fall, i swear"
Benji:There have been alot of problems with people downloading the new Dave Mathews Band c.d. so stop it Joel.
Joel's famous pick up line at the mall:
joel-hey gurl what's ur name u look good girl mmmhhhmmmm hey have u ever heard that song little things awww yeah baby that songs about me!
Question: How did you get Mandy Moore to be in the video?
Benji: I waited outside of her house for 3 weeks. No...She's on our record label so we knew some people
joel: and we'll have a video from...
benji: bu-
joel: umm, we'll have billy---
benji: bu-
joel: and paul on the show 2nite, and--
benji: bu--
joel: dude! stop that! im trying to talk about--
benji: bu--
joel: (puts
fist in benjis face) shh!


eeeep I can't delete this =x