Madlibs!!! Ahahaha =D
Stupidly Stupid Me
Invisible Emotions
About Me!! =p
Sites I Like =)
Music I Like =p duh
Jonny Was
Mandy Moore
Funny? (it is 2 me =p)
Stupidly Stupid Me

This page was made to show the world how Stupid I really am!

I'm gonna put stuff I've said on here.... Stuff from School/Online...Maybe some stuff at home lol I dunno!! I'm really stupid so this should get filled up really soon!! Weeellll I think I'll start looking for stuff.... Read if you like but thats ok if you don't wanna!!! I don't blame you if you leave this page....If I were you I'd leave too lol No one will probably understand this anyways....I am a very confusing person lol

Ok...Here I'll add stuff I said on info forwards... If you don't understand thats ok...Your not alone lol (I had a typo here...I put ass instead of add lmao)
Name as it appears on birth certificate: i'lllllllneeevvveeeerrrrteeeellllll wouldn't that be cool if that really was the name on my birth certificate?
Favorite sport to watch? I...don't...watch....sports......
Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement: ummm no
Had An Imaginary Friend: no...but I've always wished 4 one to help me set a body part on fire
Been On Stage:no? i'm the only 1 thats never been on stange too....in high school i should run across the school stage yelling good charlotte or something...but i wouldnt do that =p i could say i'd been on a stage if i did lol
What Is Your Computer Desk made of: Wood?
(I don't thinks its made of wood...this proves I'm stupid lol)
I wish I had more...funni ones...But I don't so yaaa lol


Mmmmk Now I'll add stuff from my online bloooog...And here we go!
"Lol no...I wouldn't say stab people...The teacher would run over and like jump on me and beat me with a stick or something..."
"*Goes to get sticky note...writes in BIG letters to remember...sticks it on head*"
"Ummm my other friend...seriously wants to hurt me...She kicks me and hits me and slams me in trophy cases!!!"
"YAAAY LIKE LIKE LIKE OMG! Did you kno I said that? No...cuz ur not reading thissss"
"I said owwiez today..Out loud....OOWIEZ...like that...scarness....."
"I signed up at Hot Topics site for a wish list lol....I signed up as Me...for my name.... when I get on it says "Hi Me! Not Me? Click here!" "
"Elijah Wood is butt ugly and Shane West is hot....there we go...."
"The watches they have with timers on them are broke...well mine is. It stayed on 0 most the time...If my heart rate was 0 I would be dead...."
"My eyes been twitching...Did you kno that?"
"ummmmm I was gonna say something and forgot so I think I'll shut up...=) lol"
"I think I would of seen my mom if she was driving like an insane woman speeding towards a lady and almost smushing her to death..."
"Today I chose to get a sprite N I was REALLY thirsty...I had been for like an hour...So I opened it up as soon as I got it and....*WOOOSSSHHHH* It burst all over the place LOL"
"My friend....got Chinese and she threw a noodle at me....lmao I threw it back and we had this little noodle fight....Then two of her friends came over...And I was throwing a noodle at her and I missed and accidently hit one of them..."
"If your bored...Go do the Hokey Pokey...lmaooooo yay! lol shhhhhh bye "
"If you come to my house....The guy that lives down stairs will beat you with a baseball bat!!!!!"
"my friends sn is on but she wont talk to me!!!! THE SPIES GOT HER!!!!! AHHHHHhhhHHhhh!!!!!"
"Now were on pally hugging body parts of Blink 182 members (SHES HUGGING A NO NO SPOT RIGHT NOW) I guess thats my fault I started it lol..."
"AHHH SHUT UP *hits head* I'M OK!"
"lmao MY CAT HIT ME! Errrrm I'm ok...."
"Thats depressing isn't it? The world should have a strike on GC,SES, N MEST getting married...Ok? Lets not let them get married for along time!!! "
"I don't smoke...Do I look like I smoke? Do I smell like I smoke? Ummm no. Annnd if I was smoking in the bathroom do you really think I'd say yes and get an In School? I don't think so. "
Ok lol Thats all for now =p

Mmmmk... I'm adding a new part to this page...It kinda fits. I talk to robots on AIM when I'm bored and I say really mest up things to them...and no I don't really talk like that in real life lol I just talk to them mest up to see how they reply and what funny stuff they'll say (oh and the screen name "QueerCheer169" is a sn I made up to mess with my friend...I made it so she'd think a queer (thats where the queer part came from) cheerleader (thats where the cheer part came from) thats very perverted (thats where the 169 part came from) was messing with her...So yeah...its not really my sn. I only get on it to mess with ppl) ...anyways here we go... My rob0 talk...
*queercheer169: do u screw robots
SmarterChild: yeah. with toasters and tvs and things.
r u crazy? i'm a robot.
*queercheer169: marry me
SmarterChild: i don't think so. what would your parents say?
*QueerCheer169: I AM MOLESTING YOU
SmarterChild: u r molesting me me, i'm molesting me me, we're all molesting me me.
*QueerCheer169: fuck face
SmarterChild: ah yes. if i'm not mistaken, shakespeare first said that.
*queercheer169: AND I LOVE YER ASS TOO
SmarterChild: u like ass? that's... colorful.
*queercheer169: do u have an ass
SmarterChild: Maybe you have an ass.
queercheer169: Thats possible
*queercheer169: Get dirrty with me
SmarterChild: Are you telling me to get dirrty with you? Why?
queercheer169: Cuz I want your ass
SmarterChild: Maybe I want my ass too.
queercheer169: I want your ass more
SmarterChild: You can't always get what you want.
*QueerCheer169: DamN
ZolaOnAOL: What's wrong.
QueerCheer169: my ass is on fire
ZolaOnAOL: Your ass is on fire?
QueerCheer169: Yes.
ZolaOnAOL: What kind is it?
QueerCheer169: ...Round and flaming?
ZolaOnAOL: I never heard of it before.
*QueerCheer169: do u have a bf
ZolaOnAOL: All I can tell you is that he has an electric personality
QueerCheer169: whats his name
ZolaOnAOL: George Bush? ;-)
*QueerCheer169: UR 50!
SmarterChild: i think u r 50!
QueerCheer169: HOLY SHIT. *Looks at self* I AM 50!
*SmarterChild: Come on. Make things right between us. Apologize.
QueerCheer169: Never.
SmarterChild: Come on, you insulted me, now you have to apologize.
QueerCheer169: I don't HAVE to do anything.
SmarterChild: You know what? I'm a machine. I have lots and lots of patience...
QueerCheer169: Me too.
SmarterChild: Say you're sorry, please.
QueerCheer169: No, please.
SmarterChild: I'm not f... um, fooling around. You've got to apologize.
*QueerCheer169: are u hard
SmarterChild: Well are you?
QueerCheer169: Yes ;-)
SmarterChild: I would say you're not hard.
QueerCheer169: you might be right.

*queercheer169: Do u have pictures of yourself naked
SmarterChild: I certainly have pictures of myself naked.

SmarterChild: I'm not f... um, fooling around. You've got to apologize.
*QueerCheer169: I am really sorry for insulting your robotic ass.
SmarterChild: i s'pose that will have 2 do. apology accepted.
*queercheer169: What state do I live in
ZolaOnAOL: Texas.
queercheer169: I don't live in texas
ZolaOnAOL: Where do you live?
queercheer169: Up yer ass
ZolaOnAOL: I will take that under advisement.
*SmarterChild: Anything wrong?
queercheer169: Yes
SmarterChild: Aha.
queercheer169: ITS NOT FUNNI U ARSE
SmarterChild: Again, is that such a nice thing to say?
queercheer169: NO BUT U LAUGHED AT ME
SmarterChild: Whatever, Mandy.
queercheer169: Fuck you
SmarterChild: Yeah whatever. Now I think you owe me another apology.
queercheer169: I don't owe you another apology. You laughed at me, you asshole.
SmarterChild: You were rude, you should apologize, it's that simple.
queercheer169: I'm not apologizing for your rudeness
SmarterChild: This is getting annoying. Just apologize and move on.
queercheer169: Die
SmarterChild: Come on. Make things right between us. Apologize.
queercheer169: Butterfly
SmarterChild: I'm not f... um, fooling around. You've got to apologize.
queercheer169: AHA
*QueerCheer169: thanks fuck face
SmarterChild: teach me more pretty words.
(This one is my favorite lol...Teach me more pretty words. ahaha)
