Madlibs!!! Ahahaha =D
Stupidly Stupid Me
Invisible Emotions
About Me!! =p
Sites I Like =)
Music I Like =p duh
Jonny Was
Mandy Moore
Funny? (it is 2 me =p)
Music I Like =p duh

Blah.... I'm gonna put music pics n stuff on this page


Good Charlotte

Good Charlotte is my favorite band... I love all their songs but my favz are My Bloody Valentine, Hold On, Wondering, Seasons, and Riot Girl. lol I'd say who my fav. member was but everyone already knows I love Benji...Yup... lol <3 GC!


A Test I Took =)

I took a test and it came out that I'm Benji n Billy... I just got undumb...kinda... I took the test over lol So... I now have the link!!! =) =) Benji =) =) =p ahaha Hmmmm... blaher... I took a anti Avril test.... even tho I'm not anti Avril.... n it said I was raccoon Avril... I guess I really do like makeup alot =x

What GC Guy Are You?



Mest... Mest is a cool band...the pic. above isn't their newest CD though... I just used it cause it had their pic. on it lol Their new CD is 'Mest'...Its a really awesome CD...and its alot more more serious than their older CDs. Anyways I heard Benji from GC was in one of their songs so I looked them up and found out that I like them alot lol I love Walking on Broken Glass, Jaded, and Rooftops out of all their songs. I like 25 To Life too but its kind of a bad song lol So ya...Mest! Wo0t


Mandy Moore

Mandy Moore.... Mandy is my favorite singer and actress.... That pic is a pic from her movie How To Deal... www.howtodealmovie.com is the site.A Walk To Remember is my favorite movie and she stars in it... =) She has a new CD out (Coverage) and shes has a few other movies (All I Want, Chasing Liberty, and Saved!) and she just finished another movie and I can't wait to see it.


I Love SES (Smile Empty Soul) They are really cool and you should check them out if you haven't... www.smileemptysoul.com Mmmmmmmk N Go Buy Their CD!! :) I got their CD...its coooool :) My Fav. SES songs are... The Other Side, All My Problems, Every Sunday, and For You. All their songs are great tho...thoses are just my fav.s =p mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk