Mandy Moore

My Mandy Moore page! hehehe

Some info about Mandy...written by Mandy....Read it...its
really cool...(She wrote this before she made her 3rd cd... shes made her forth cd already...)
~I can hardly believe I'm making my third album already,
but here I am in a Miami recording studio. It's really fun this time around, because I feel like I have more "creative" input.
Basically, that means the record company is letting me be more involved in picking the songs - and they're all songs I've
fallen in love with. I'm also writing songs for the first time. It just seems natural. I made my first album when I was only
14, and it was all so new to me. But now I'm 16, and while I know I still have a long ways to go, I really feel like I've
gotten into the groove. What with touring, meeting so many people and getting exposed to all different types of music, I feel
ready to do more of my own thing and branch out a bit.
Ever since I was 6, I knew I wanted to be a performer. I
went to see the play Oklahoma!, and the girl on stage was having so much fun, and everyone in the audience was so entranced
watching her. I had this little karaoke machine in my room and I would stand on my bed belting out songs like "Wind Beneath
My Wings." My parents thought it was just a phase, but after years of me begging them, they let me start singing lessons when
I was 10.
So I began doing musical theater and singing our national
anthem at sports events in my hometown, Orlando, Florida. That turned out to be huge for me. A couple of producers who had
heard me sing at a game approached me, saying they wanted to work on songs with me. It was so random - like, right place,
right time. Next thing I knew, I was making a demo, which led to my record deal.
I had no idea where it would all lead-I was just so glad
to have the opportunity to sing. And when my first album took off, it was incredible, unbelievable: Millions of people were
listening! As it turned out, both my albums, So Real and I Wanna Be With You, each went platinum, which means they each sold
about one million copies. But the truth is, I couldn't tell you exactly how many records I've sold (I think it's around 2.5
million), since I don't pay attention to chart numbers. I know my first single "Candy" was a "hit" - but to me that just means
a lot of people liked it. I guess the more people you can reach with your music, the better - I try to remind myself that
that's the main goal.
I guess I know I'm reaching people by the way fans react
to me. When I first went on tour - and I was lucky enough early on to open up for some incredible bands, like Backstreet Boys
and N Sync - people would be clapping and dancing, singing along. That was so cool! And then I'd do an autograph signing and
there'd be all these people waiting in line for hours. I'd be thinking, "For me?!?!"
Meeting my fans really drove home the point that
so many of them a re a lot like me - teenage girls just starting to really find out what life's all about. Because of that,
I think (hope!) they'll really relate to my new album.~ (The album she's talking about is her 3rd
cd... Mandy Moore...Its cool...I love the songs on it)


Mandy Picz
Full Name: Amanda Leigh Moore Nickname: Mandy Date of Birth: April 10, 1984 Birth Place:
Nashua, New Hampshire Height: 5'9" Weight: 108 lbs. Zodiac Sign: Aries Shoe Size: 10 Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown (used to be blonde) Current Residence: Orlando, Florida Parents: Don and Stacy Siblings:
2 Brothers (Kyle and Scott) Pets: 3 Cats (Milo, Zoe, and Chloe) 2 Dogs (Winston (tea cup Yorkie) and Dexter (Mini
Pug) Mandy had another yorkie named Oliver but it just died =/)
Favorite Book: A Land Remembered Favorite Movie: "Beaches" Favorite Actress: Gwyneth
Paltrow Favorite Actor: Ryan Phillipe Favorite Colors: Pink and Orange (she doesn't like pink nemore?umm ok then)
Favorite TV Shows: MTV's "The Real World," TRL, 7th Heaven, The Tom Green Show Favorite School Subjects: English and
French Least Favorite School Subject: Math Favorite Animals: Cats and Monkeys Favorite Musicians: Natalie Imbruglia,
Madonna, and Karen Carpenter Favorite Food: Sushi Favorite Drink: Cranberry Juice mixed with Sprite Favorite Breakfast
Food: Bagels Favorite Candy: Gum or Cotton Candy Favorite Fast Food: Wendy's Favorite Records of 1999: Macy Gray,
Missy Elliot, Enrique Iglesias Favorite Number: 23 Favorite Places To Visit: New Zealand, Australia, and Japan Favorite
City: New York City Favorite Sport: Lacrosse Perfect Mate: "An honest, supportive, and humorous guy" Most prized
possesion: Photo album of closest friends and family First Ambition: To be an entertainer Musical Instruments: Learning
to play the guitar If she weren't a singer she'd be: a writer Favorite Hangout: The mall and the beach Perfect
date: Casual dinner and a movie Guilty Pleasure: "Eating cotton candy and watching "Spice World!"
Ummmm ya I think that info is just a "little" old.... lol Spice World...Mandy Moore has a guitar
now.... ya her old bf Andy got it for her...Mandy and Andy broke up awhile ago...Blahhh and before that she was dating
Wilmer (Fez on That 70s Show)...yup...

MORE Mandy Info! lol
Mandy has recorded 4 CD's... So Real, I Wanna
Be With You, Mandy Moore, and Coverage. (I didn't put down "A Walk To Remember Soundtrack" because not all the songs are
hers, just a few) Her first single, Candy, Is what made her "popular". Her first two CD's are really popish CD's... So
she was put into the Britney-Christina-Jessica category. Mandy is more classy than Britney and Christina.... She doesn't dress
like them either =x But ya... Her third CD is when she started to try and do the songs she wanted and the songs she liked....
She even wrote one of the songs on the CD (When I Talk To You). For her newest CD (Coverage), she went her
own way.... She didn't do what everyone else told her to do. She picked the songs she recorded.... She chose to do covers
of some of her favorite songs. Songs from music that she just got into and wanted to share with her fans. I like Coverage best
out of all her CD's... It seems cool and she had alot to do with making it. Here are the songs shes covered for it (The
CD is out now...It came out Oct. 21..So go buy it!! lol)
1. Senses Working Overtime 2. Whole of the
Moon 3. Can We Still Be Friends 4. I Feel the Earth Move 5. Mona Lisa & Mad Hatters 6. Drop the Pilot
(The video for this has already been made... but they chose not to make it the single) 7. Moonshadow 8. One
Way or Another 9. Breaking Us in Two 10. Anticipation 11. Help Me 12. Have A Little Faith In Me (This
Will Be Her First Single Off The CD...Its a really pretty song)
Mandy Moore is also an actress....
Her first movie was The Princess Diaries,
where she played the "evil" cheerleader, Lana. lmao that was funni.... she was evil in that movie tho... She had a "tiny"
part in Doctor Dotittle 2, her voice was used for the baby girl cub at the very end of the movie. Her first
staring role was in A Walk To Remember (My favorite movie!!) She played Jamie, the shy quiet minsters daughter that
falls in love with Landon. He's a popular boy/bad boy. (Shane West played Landon, you can check him out on my Jonny
Was page) There's a twist to the movie.... she has a secret... Watch the movie or read the book its "based" on (its hardly
anything close to the book) to see what its like. Mandy Moore's third big movie is How To Deal. She play's
Halley. Halley's family is a "little" messed up. Halleys best friends boyfriend dies and they find out that her best
friend (Scarlett) is gonna have a baby. She also falls in love with Macon, Scarletts boyfriends best friend. (This movie is
aloso based on books... Someone Like You and That Summer) I liked the movie... even tho it didn't do so well....it was still
cool. Mandy is also in All I Want (aka Try Seventeen). All I Want didn't have enough money to make it to
the theater, its out on DVD now if you wanna see it. lol Mandy plays Lisa... Jones Dillon (Elijah Wood) lies about his
age saying hes 21 but he's really 17.... umm "Mandy" hits on him ALOT in this movie and some parts are perverted (I seen the
movie lol It is VERY strange) Her Forth big movie Is Saved! (It came out in the movie theater in June) Mandy plays
Hilary Faye, her best friend gets pregnant by her gay boyfriend after she tries to "save" him from
his gayness. Hilary Fayes brother (Macauley Culkin) is in a wheelchair, and doesn't really seem to like Hilary and he
has a crush on a girl that everyone thinks is a stripper and they think she needs "saved". Theres also a girl that
wants to be Hilary and a part of their "popular" group. Saved! was kind of weird lol But it was still
funny. Heres a quote from Mandy talking about Saved.... "The script to 'Saved' is wonderfully witty and was so
funny, I was rolling on the floor in hysterics. The cast is incredible too I would have been silly to pass up the honor to
work with those folks.... you'll see." Anyways Mandy also starred is Chasing Liberty (which is out on DVD now) She played
the presidents daughter and she decides to sneek away and ditch her secret service while going on a trip around Europe with
a guy she met... So yup...Thats all the Mandy movies that are out now lol
Mandy just got finished filming another movie... Romance and Cigarettes is the
name of it I think... Its a musical and its more adult than her other movies...It wasen't really made for teens.


Other Info....New Info
Mandy To Lend Her Voice To A New Children's Film Mandy is
slated to lend her voice to a new children's film entitled, "Racing Stripes," a live-action and animated movie about an abandoned
zebra who yearns to compete against Thoroughbred racehorses, which will begin shooting on September 15 in South Africa and
is set to debut in American theaters in January 2005. Other stars providing their voices for the film include Frankie Muniz,
Jeff Foxworthy, Whoopi Goldberg, Dustin Hoffman, Joe Pantoliano, David Spade, and Patrick Stewart.
Mandy has decided to pass on starring in a new Kevin Costner movie entitled "The
Upside of Anger." The plot focuses on a woman (Joan Allen) and her four daughters, all of whom are trying to cope with the
loss of the man of the family. A former baseball player (Kevin Costner) whom the quintet has known for years steps in to help
out. Mandy was in talks to play one of the daughters, however she decided to pass on the role. "I'm tired," she said with
a laugh, noting that her role went to an actress she admires, Evan Rachel Wood ("Thirteen"). "I'm bummed because it would
have been a fun experience, but it's starting to film [soon and] and I just want to spend some time with my family, my friends
and [my boyfriend] and just relax."

A Few Mandy Facts
~Mandy hates her big feet! She wears a size 10.
~Mandy is double jointed. ~Mandy is obsessed with the internet.
~One of Mandy's fears is butterflys. (she was running from one while making the video for
So Real)
~Mandy moved from Nashua, NH to Orlando, FL when she was only six weeks old.
~If Mandy could do a duet with anyone, she would chose Madonna
~Mandy's favorite part about performing is being able to connect with her fans
~If Mandy were able to go back in time she would choose to go back to the 70's. She believes
"It's the coolest decade!" ~Mandy's inspirations is her grandmother. Her grandma was a professional ballerina so Mandy
can "really relate to her and look up to her." (One of her grandmas passed away not to long ago..)
~Mandy's vegetable of choice is carrots. She was told that they make her eyes sparkly! ~Kyle
(Mandy's brother) appeared in her "Candy" video. ~Mandy's first video to reach #1 on MTV's TRL Countdown was "Crush."
The video claimed the #1 spot on Friday, September 7th, 2001. ~Mandy's least favorite subject in school was math
~When Mandy toured with BSB, she performed in front of crowds ranging from 30,000 to 100,000
people. "It was so scary to see all those people in one place at one time." ~Mandy would "love to be a fashion designer!"
~Mandy's favorite song from her self-titled album is "Cry." ~The best advice Mandy's mom ever gave her was "That
things always work out for a reason

Time.com Interview
On her album Coverage, out Oct. 21, Mandy Moore sings hits by Elton John, Cat Stevens,
Joni Mitchell and others.
You're 19. Nixon was President when Moonshadow
came out. How did you get into this music?
I didn't grow up listening to any of this. But I thought, I have a duty to know
this stuff. So I perused the aisles at record stores and picked up some greatest hits.
You didn't tell your record company what
you were up to.
I was afraid I'd end up doing, you know, Olivia Newton-John.
You play the President's daughter in an upcoming
film. Is your character more Chelsea Clinton or Jenna Bush?
Jenna Bush. I'm the regular 18-year-old who wants to discover who she is. You look
at the Bush twins, and it's like, yes, O.K., so maybe what they're doing is not right. But what teenagers at parties aren't
Whose fans are more aggressive: Your boyfriend
(tennis player) Andy Roddick's or ...
His! His! On his website people are like, "I just don't like Mandy. She seems so
Tell me about Andy.
Basically, he's good at everything: board games, debates, bowling. He's perfect!
It drives me crazy! I want to win in Scattergories sometimes! It's my goal in life to find something he can't dominate.
I'm not sure I'd want to hear him sing Joni
Yeah, I guess I've got that covered.
