I'm gonna put
sites I like to goto on this page =p The Palace is a chat thingy I goto and its cool sooo....
Quizilla is a cool site to take quizzes on... lol They have alot of quizzes
on it...I made a few quizzes on it =p You can check out my quizzes plus 10000 others in my Test part lol
The link below will take you to DeadStar Assembly's site... Nella told me about DSA so I went to listen to their songs...I
liked a few of them (A Deep Breath and Breathe For Me...I must like songs about Breathing? lol) but most of their songs are
freakyyyy weird shat. But most people reading this are probably freaky and weird righttt? lmao I'm jk...anyways click
the link if you dare... You might be scared by them though.
Live Journal is a site where you can get
a blog at.. I'm obsessed with blogs so thats the reason its in my links lol You can go there and get a blog or you can click
'Invisible Emotions' to be taken to my site blog and see if its something you'd want and sign up if you like it lol I think
everybody should have a blog... I mean I have one and I never do anything and I still have stuff to write in it...and its
funnnish to have a blog ...lol
Another thing people should
have is AIM www.aim.com or www.aol.com If you don't have it dl it? Yes at times it can be evil and posessed but you get to talk to people on it and
have a profile...I love my profile...lmao www.madprofile.com go get a new unlimited profile to put in you're new aim...wo0t!