Sunday, 25 January 2004
Useeee meeeee comeeee onnnn anddddd useeee meee
Hmmmm.... Yesterday I got up later..after I got up I had to take a shower and get ready cuz my mom and dad wanted to go out and eat... Sooo I went out to eat lol Then we went to the mall...I got a ring for Christmas and its the wrong size so I gotta get the right size. Mmmhmm...Then after I got my new ring ordered I went to a music store... =) I got Blinkage's new CD... =) YAY for me... One of my fav. songs is the title of this entry.. =) I got a GC calendar too! yayz It has their b-days written in it lol and the day GC started.. Mmhm... I'm listening to Blinkage =)...After that I went home...and did nothing. yaz...I wasen't in a good mood was a very very bad mood. Then I felt better later on...yupz... I tried fixing my new blog I kept messing up lol And my comp. kept freezing...evil thing. When I was in bed this morning... my mom came in my room and was laughing lol She said she was trying to change my bro's (B-rad's)phone number in my cell phone cuz the number in it now wasen't his number anymore...and she accidently hit the wrong button and it called someone on my list of numbers... She said she thought it was Rosie.. but my mom didn't say anything...and she forgot how to hang up my phone =( lol Whoever she called probably got woke up...How nice...Blahhh its only 2 and I'm typing in this...O wellz BlahhHhhhhz
Posted by emotionlessmandy
at 2:17 PM CST
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