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Invisible Emotions

Monday, 24 November 2003

I was hyper I made a quiz LOL Its funni...... Ummmm My friend burned me a CD....I'm listening to it now....My cats about me bite me...How sweet! NOT.... Hmmmm The friend that made me my CD just got online and got off....Thats nice...I had to tell her something....whateverr.... I don't have school after tomorrow! YAY!.... Lots of people ask me who I have a crush on.... Like all my friends cept one.... well two. But one used to but she doesn't care about that anymore...I never see her anyways so.... I stare at the person I have a crush on...=x ehe.... I don't mean to *cries* I'm not a stalker! I try not to....N I think "I'm not gonna stare at them" N BAM I DO IT ANYWAYS....I think I have a mental problem.... I don't like ppl to kno that stuff....I don't like having a crush on anyone...I don't kno why I do...Its...Scary.... It doesn't fit at all to like them.... =( I don't think I should like them anymore.... AHHH SHUT UP *hits head* I'M OK! Sooo...Lets see I'm really bored....mhm.... I like Blink 182...AHA I'VE SAID THIS IN EVERY ENTRY ALMOST....... I like dots too...see...DOTS....PANTIHOSE!!!! AHHH I TYPED HOES BEFORE THAT LMAAAOOOO...Blinkage...there perverts ehe lmao MY CAT HIT ME! Errrrm I'm ok.... BOO.... Blinkage CD is n edit like... F--k Off....AHA It sounds so funni!!! Bu-- Bu--....It is Bu-- Very Bu-- Funni! YAY OoooOoooOOoooOoOooo I'm an oddo 4 sure! I'm shuttin up leave me alone...aha I almost typed shittin up...OK OK I STOP LOL bye...EHE EHE EHE BENJIZ UNDIES EHE lmaoooo noooooo

Posted by emotionlessmandy at 10:23 PM CST

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