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Invisible Emotions

Friday, 21 November 2003

Hey! 10....
This is my 10th time writing in this!! Whoohooo!! I get a party now!!! Lol... Ummm lets see what all happened today...not much but here we go... My friend didn't come to school today (Again!!) I had to be in PE all by myself again ='( I guess I should get used to it but I feel odd...just sitting there alone!!! N I have to walk around the gym by myself at the beginning of PE ='( I dunno what to do when i'm walking by myself... So I end up putting my hands in my jacket pockets...taking them out..playing with my rings...putting them back in pocket...taking them out N fixing braclets...putting them back in...taking them out...fixing hair...putting them back in.... then looking around like a crazy person to see if banana man is staring at no...just ppl staring.... So I end up looking like a paranoid psycho lol How funnn!!! Buttt ya... I wore the same pants as my other friend (My Pink N Black ones) She came up to me looking annoyed n giggling n said that she told me she was wearing those today (she didnt tell me that!!) N asked why I wore them when I knew she was gonna lol I didn't kno she was gonna wear them... I had a feeling she would but I wore them anyways... I thought It'd be funni if we both wore them...O well...I ended up having people stare at me like I was a freak N give me evil looks...There sooo sweet! lol No. Hmmm...I had a Math test today too...It was a LONG test... My gosssh it was looong. It was like 5 pages...either that or 4... I don't really remember. It was hard... N I was working on the 3rd page when the bell rang for school to be out.... So ya lots of ppl didn't finish and the teacher doesn't kno if he'll give us all an extra test day or not...If he doesn't give us an extra day then I got an F. I'm gonna have to start finishing my English projects...There due the 5th of Dec...Ahhhhhhhhhhh! =x I think I'll do them soon.... I wanna go to the mall...That is weird cuz I NEVER feel like going anywhere...cept maybe sometimes... but all this week I've been wanting to goto the mall...well not just the mall... I want to go in Hot Topic and Spencers (That would mean I gotta go to a diff. state if I goto Spencers) lol Hmmm I feel like theres something in there I want but I dunno what it is yet...And if I go in there I'll find it! They probably added some kind of clothes I I need to goto Spencers soon anyways... I need to see if they have my MADE hoodie there...I want that soooo bad. If anyone at school has it then I want them to get hurt...Aha they'll get attacked by bubbles!!!! Loool that would be funnni.... Wow no ones online that is very odd...Everyones probably out somewhere having fun...O well I like being here typing... =p Grrr one of my friends has been online almost an hour and hasn't messaged me...Shes probably doing HW....or daydreaming about her crush...If he was online she'd be talking to him buttt he's not...Its like she stalks him...I'm scared for him...One day shes gonna run up to him and attack him with hugs and hurt him...knock him down n smush him or something... If she read what I just typed she'd get madddd at meeee.... Hmmm okkkk then... I watched one of my shows a few hours ago...Joan of Arcadia ... It was depressing like the last time it was on =( Ittsss sooo sad... Yaa they need to make it happy!! They can make everyone not hate each other...Give them Happy pills!!! Sry...I'm very into this show too... lol Wellll I think I'm going to go nooow...maybe work on my sites some more!!! =P Happy 10th Typing Time!!!! YAAAYYYYYYY

Posted by emotionlessmandy at 8:58 PM CST

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