Tuesday, 11 November 2003
I'm bored so I'm typing in here....ok? ok then... Lettts seeeeee...I've been sick...ya its mest up...aha I sound like crap... I need to write stuff for English on 4 books I've read...I suck I haven't started yet and its due in Dec... I'm gonna start VERY soonnnn.... I dled an old Linkin Park song..and Its cooool!!! YAY I'm having fun listening to it over n over n over...I just took a break from it and listened to Simple Plans song Perfect..now back to LP....I'm working on my site and taking tests now...so ya. Theres a few ppl that I think I won't be talking to ever again so I was in a shitty mood a little while ago. Butttt! I'm Happy now...I don't get happy enough soooo I'm happy that I'm happy...oook? YAY Who can rock a rhyme like this? Bring it to you every time like this? Who can rock a rhyme like this? Step, step up, step, step up YAYYYYYYY lol ^^^ LP song I like.... I think I should start writing a little for English........=( I don't want to goto school!!! Grrrrr The only thing school is here for is to annoy kids and put them in bad moods...=( Dooonnnttttttt mmmaaakkkeee mmmeee gggoooo.... does anyone read what I say?...could I say something REALLY stupid and no one would kno??????? Hmmm... Weeelllll I'm going to stop typing since its pointless and the only reason I'm typing is because I'm bored n a little hyper sooo..... BOOOOOOO! lol aaaahhhha
Posted by emotionlessmandy
at 7:46 PM CST
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